ICONS Management
Ths. Heftyes gt.
0267 Oslo
+47 90179215
+47 22551071
MOK Webpublishing 2011
Week | Subject | Teacher |
Week2 | Introduction to Internet and XHTML (XHTML/CSS kompendium)
Our very first xhtml page XHTML continues. CSS formatting. (Example style sheet) Curriculum: Castro, chap 1-3 + + ! |
EB |
Week3 | Film festival Tromsø | |
Week 4 | XHTML and CSS formatting continues. CSS postioning | EB |
Week 5 | Dreamweaver 1: Site management. Layout 1. Publishing Dreamweaver 2: Text, images, links with CSS |
EB |
Week 6 | Dreamweaver 3: Dreamweaver templates. Wednesday instead of Friday! |
EB |
Week 7 | Information architecture 1: Introduction to IA Information architecture 2: Organization and labelling systems Curriculum: Morville, P. & Rosenfeld, L. |
Week 8 | Dreamweaver 4: Text, images, links. CSS positioning: layout 2 Curriculum: Castro, chap 11, pages 169 - 188. |
EB |
Week 9 | Information architecture 3: Webdesign. Composition - teory Information architecture 4: Webdesign. Composition- practice Friday 10.30 - 14.15 |
SG |
Week 10 | XHTML & CSS revisited. Requested subjects. Repetition |
EB |
Week 11 | Dreamweaver 5: Spry framework. Menues | EB |
Week 12 | Dreamweaver 6: Tables (html & DW) Curriculum: Castro, chap 16, pages 227-245. Dreamweaver 7: Forms. Curriculum: Castro, chap 17, pages 253-280. |
EB |
Week 13 | Information architecture 5: WAI: Web Accessibility Curriculum: Zeldman, Designing with web standards, chap 14. Jakob Nielsen: Usability testing and Introduction to usability WAI: Web Accessibility Initiative Dreamweaver 8: Multimedia. Castro, chap 18, pages 281-310. Behaviors. Photogalleries.... |
EB |
Week 14 | Blogging, Content Management Systems (CMS) - examples Search Engine Optimization SEO |
EB |
Week 15 | Requested subjects. Repetition | EB |
Week 16 | Easter holiday | |
May ? | Exam deadline |
Elisabeth Buntz (EB) | Sigrun Giil Fugleberg (SG)
Weeks 2-5 and 7-15:
Mondays 12.30 - 16.15 classes. 8.30 - 12.15 practical work
Fridays 8.30 - 12.15 classes. 12.30 - 16.15
practical work
Week 6:
Mondays 12.30 - 16.15 classes. 8.30 - 12.15 practical work
Wednesday 8.30 - 12.15 classes. 12.30 - 16.15
practical work
There may be some variations in these times.