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Web Accessibility
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are rules for designing universally accessible web pages - developed by Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) at World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
- Section 508 (www.section508.gov) is part of the Rehabilitation Act and a public law intended to end discrimination against people with disabilities
- Several countries, including Norway, have adopted the rules as has the United Nations.
- norge.no kriterier for kvalitetsvurdering av offentlige nettsteder
- del 1 tilgjengelighet - Diskriminerings- og tilgjengelighetsloven §11 Plikt til universell utforming av informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi (IKT)
Why use WAI guidelines?
- Web pages for everyone!
- Other benefits:
- Web pages will be found by Google and other search engines
- Web pages will be easier to use for us all
- Law suits are avoided
Levels of priority
- Must be followed otherwise several groups of people will not have access to information in the documents
- Should be followed otherwise one or several groups of people will have problems with access to information in the documents
- Can be followed otherwise one or several groups of people will have some problems with access to information in the documents
Problem areas
- Small fonts not scalable (text test with css)
- Not enough contrast between text and background
- Lack of text explanations for images, sound and videos etc
- Non descriptive link texts (click here - read more)
- html coding not adhering to standards
WAI guidelines priority 1:
http://jarmin.com/accessibility/techniques/wai1.html (English)
http://www.jbi.hio.no/bibin/dkdm2/2010/uu2.html (Norwegian)
Links to related content
High Accessibility Is Effective Search Engine Optimization
by Andy Hagans: http://www.alistapart.com/articles/accessibilityseo/
Web Design Best Practices Checklist
by Terry Felke-Morris: http://terrymorris.net/bestpractices/
9 Essential Principles for Good Web Design